Happy Homemaker Monday *4*

Happy Homemaker Monday

It is still the holidays and the sun has been shining!

The weather:::

    Météo à Les Billanges (87340)

    Actualisé à 16h35

    Observations du lundi 05 mars 2012
    Station la plus proche : Limoges
    7°Céclaircies Direction & force du vent : 18 km/h
    Lever : 07h26
    Coucher : 18h48
    Lever : 15h41
    Coucher : 05h24
    Demain06 mars

    Matin : 1°C
    Après-midi : 8°C
    Vent :16 km/h
    J+207 mars

    Matin : -2°C
    Après-midi : 10°C
    Vent :16 km/h
    J+308 mars

    Matin : 1°C
    Après-midi : 9°C
    Vent :15 km/h
    J+409 mars

    Matin : -1°C
    Après-midi : 12°C
    Vent :6 km/h
    J+510 mars

    Matin : 1°C
    Après-midi : 12°C
    Vent :10 km/h

On my reading pile::: 
 "Snowdrops" by A.D. Miller 
(I'm a slow reader!)
"Material Obsession: Contemporary Quilt Design" by Kathy Doughty and Sarah Fielke
"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" by J K Rowling (with M and W)

On my TV::: 
Upstairs and Downstairs
The Chamber of Secrets

On the menu for this week:::
Monday -  Chicken and chips (R's choice, we are trying to clear the freezer!)
Tuesday - Curry
Wednesday - Beef casserole
Thursday - Turkey risotto
Friday -  Macaroni cheese 
(pasta and film night!)
Saturday - Fajitas
 - Roast pork

On my to do list:::
Spend time with the children (it's Half Term holiday)
Getting up at 4am to feed the lamb ~ hope to lose the night time feed soon!
Tidy the work room.
Clear the potager.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::  
*Crocheted hearts

Looking around the house:::
M and W are watching TV, waiting for their supper.
C is in the shower.
H is pretending to learn a poem for her French class, but is actually playing with the cat!
R is cooking dinner!
Amour (the lamb) is starting to 'baa' for her next feed.

From the camera:::

On my mind:::
The cold weather is coming back ~ I hope we don't get snow again, we have had enough for this year!
We will need to move Trudie (our Jersey cow) up to the big barn, I hope she likes her new friends ~ we have 2 new Normande cows, Amelie and Doucette.


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