We must never forget!

VE Day in France ....

Today is a bank holiday in France as it is the 8th of May 'VE Day' (Victory in Europe nearing the end of the Second World War).  Each commune has a sort memorial gathering in front of their 'monument aux morts' (war memorial). 

It is not a religious service, but a time to remember.  The mayor reads a statement from the government and local school children (the oldest in the Primary School 10/11 year olds), read a designated page of writing about the Second World War and how we should all remember the people who lost their lives during the conflict (I believe the readings are the same for all communes).

We arrived at the Salle des Fete (the village hall) this morning in the pouring rain, to find that our children were the only children there so they were asked to do the reading.  H used to read each memorial day (she is really good at reading French), but is really too old now and M & W are too young ~ but they were all very willing!  (I feel the need to point out to those of you who do not know our family, that we are an English family living in France.  Our children all have English as their first language, we speak mainly English at home, but they are educated in French schools totally in French.  They do so well learning the two languages at the same time, they put me to shame (!) we are very proud of them).

C our biggest one refused to read (!!)  He ended up carrying the flowers!

The text was difficult for M, but she had time to practise a little and did really well.  

H read beautifully as always!

Even W joined in.  He finished off with the last two sentences ......

 "Vive la Republique!   Vive la France!"

We are soooooooo proud of all of them all.


  1. We are very proud of them - but also of you! It is because of all your love and encouragement that they have the confidence in themselves to do this.

    1. Thank you Mummy ~ that was such a lovely thing to say! You are my inspiration ~ I strive my who;e life to be as good a Mummy as you are <3


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