❖Happy Homemaker Monday *12*❖
Monday 24th March 2014
As I look outside my window:::
It's a dull and windy day, still very chilly. The blossom is hanging on on the bullace tree, but the leaves are starting to push out. The leaves are also starting to appear on the plant that climbs over the front and back of the house.
Right now I am:::
Having a hot chololate and watching a programme about the WW2 Arctic convoys with H and R ~ we all like a good history programme.
Thinking and pondering:::
Our school journey to England next week ......
On my bedside table:::
We have given up with 'The World of Norm' for the moment and have started 'I was a Rat! Or, the Scarlet Slippers' by Philip Pullman ~ it's quite good so far, though the old English language is a little difficult for the children to understand sometimes.
On my TV this week:::
The Great British Sewing Bee
Law and Order UK
The Voice
Looking forward to:
Listening to:::
This week's music ~ Michael Jackson (M) & Kylie Manogue (H)
W's choice of audiobook this week is Alex Rider
On the menu for this week:::
Monday ~ Eastern Lamb
Tuesday ~ Chicken and sweetcorn pies
Wednesday ~ Chicken and chips
Thursday ~ Lentil and bacon soup
Friday ~ Macaroni cheese
Saturday ~ Fajitas
Sunday ~ R is cooking
On my to do list:::
Sorting and tidying in the playroom
We have been given several boxes of Lego and Playmobil :) that need sorting and cleaning
Packing for our school journey to England next week
Finish clearing plant from the front wall of the house
Plans for this week:::
Monday: English lessons at school (am) / Handball M
Tuesday: English lessons at school (pm) / Meeting about M's school journey 8pm
Wednesday: R meeting (am)
Thursday: Handball W / H finishing school early
Saturday: W handball competition (pm)
Sunday: Leave for school journey to the UK 7am!!
What I am sewing, crocheting or creating:::
A pair of slipper boots for M to take to England with her next week
Super chunky scarves
Starting a blanket to work on when I am away next week
My simple pleasure:::
Watching how excited our youngest daughter M is about going away with her class next week.
Lesson learned the past week:::
If you want to cook a mixed tray of roasted vegetables don't put the leeks in straight away :)
Looking around the house:::
As the weather has changed we have washing drying everywhere inside the house.
The snooker table is up again, so W is very very happy.
M's bag is packed and ready ........ mine is not! :)
From the camera:::
I hope you all have a great week!
Today I am going to link up with other "Happy Homemakers" here at Diary of a stay at home Mom so please pop over if you want to see what others are up to this week all around the world. :o)
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