❖Happy Homemaker Monday #4❖
Monday 30th March 2015
❖Mud, Mud Glorious Mud❖
Oh my it's muddy around here !! We haven't had much heavy rainfall, it just seems to have been drizzling constantly for the last few days. Thankfully last week was drier and brighter than we had expected and we managed to get some work done in the garden. I don't think we will get much done outside this week as the drizzle is here to stay, but maybe I will get a bit of painting done indoors. I hope the sun shines wherever you are this week xx
The weather outside is::::
Wet, wet, wet ........ drizzly, dull and chilly .......
As I look outside my window::::
Right now I am::::
Sitting with a cup of hot chocolate at the end of a long day. I don't think I will finish this post today, my bed is calling, I am very tired.
My simple pleasures::::
Pinterest !!
As I look around the house::::
Washing drying in the dinning room. Muddy foot and paw prints all over the floors. Rain streaked windows. Untidy bedrooms....... :o(
On this week's to do list::::
Painting the landing (I didn't start last week, as the weather was drier than expected I spent as much time as I could in the garden)Sow parsnips and plant peas (we really want to get this done, but can't start until we have sorted out the chicken that live in the garden, they have already started scratching up anything growing in the veg beds)
Eat lots of chocolate.
Currently reading::::
Night time reading with M and W is 'How to train your dragon' by Cressida Cowell
On the TV this week::::
The Voice final
Law and Order
NCIS New Orleans
New Thunderbirds (W can't wait!)
On the menu this week::::
Monday - Eastern lamb
Tuesday - Hedgehogs
Wednesday - Soup
Thursday - Sweet and sour chicken
Friday - Pot au feu
Saturday - Beef burgers
Sunday - ?? Easter lunch with friends :o)
Our plans for the week ahead::::
Monday - English lessons at school (pm) Extra Activities (TAP) at school (pm)
Tuesday - R work (am) Parents Evenings ~ M & W
Wednesday - M Sports Club (pm)
Thursday - R work (am) English lessons at school (pm) Extra Activities (TAP) at school (pm)
Friday - W handball (pm) English tutoring (pm)
Saturday -
Sunday - **Easter**
What's happening in the garden and on the farm this week::::
Last week the weather was better than we expected. We managed to clear most of the weeds and brambles from around the vegetable patch. I also cleared our over grown raspberry patch (this needs a lot more work, we need to move and rearrange the raspberry canes).
What I am crocheting, sewing or creating at the moment::::
Moogly crochet-along LookatwhatIhavemade 2015 'Sophie's Universe' crochet-along blanket (my wool arrived!)
Favorite photo from the camera::::
We did it !! (with a little help from a 'You can do the cube' book) |
Thoughts, Quotes or Lessons Learned::::
― Vladimir Nabokov
― Charles Chaplin
I hope you all have a great week!
Today I am going to link up with other "Happy Homemakers" here at Diary of a stay at home Mom so please pop over if you want to see what others are up to this week all around the world. :o)
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