Happy Homemaker Monday #5

Monday 6th April 2015

Happy Easter 

The weather outside is::::

How lucky we were with the weather for Easter Day.  The sun was out and it wass lovely and warm ~ just right for an Easter egg hunt.  Looks like it is going to be another lovely day today.

My simple pleasures::::

Chocolate eggs and chocolate balls ~ yum yum!

As I look around the house::::

Everyone has been home for the long weekend, so there is lots of tidying up to do.

Currently reading::::

I am still reading Mrs.Miles's Diary: The Wartime Journal of a Housewife on the Homefront and We are at War: The Diaries of Five Ordinary People in Extraordinary Times
Night time reading with M and W is 'How to train your dragon' by Cressida Cowell

On the TV this week::::
The Voice
Law and Order
NCIS New Orleans
Chicago PD

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Roast Beef (Easter Monday)
Tuesday -  Chickpea curry
Wednesday - Mac and cheese (H's birthday)
Thursday - Fish pie
Friday - Pot au feu
Saturday -  Fajitas
Sunday - Roast pork

Our plans for the week ahead::::

Monday - Bank Holiday - all at home
Tuesday -  R work (am)
Wednesday - M Sports Club (pm) H's 17th birthday
Thursday - R work (am) English lessons at school (pm) Extra Activities (TAP) at school (pm)
Friday - W handball (pm)  English tutoring (pm)  
Saturday - 
Sunday - 

What I am crocheting, sewing or creating at the moment::::

LookatwhatIhavemade 2015 'Sophie's Universe' crochet-along blanket 
I have a rabbit to make for a baby due this summer.
Squares and flowers blanket.

Favorite photo from the camera::::

I hope you all have a great week!

Today I am going to link up with other "Happy Homemakers" here at Diary of a stay at home Mom so please pop over if you want to see what others are up to this week all around the world. :o)


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